Monday, May 12, 2008





" In each adult lies a child, an eternal child, someone who is always transforming, someone who never is transformed, someone who is always asking for attention, caring and education. That is the part of our human personality that wants to develop and become a whole”.

(Carl G. Jung)



And Voice Dialogue

The creation of characters

The use of archetypes

The work with Sub personalities has as its objective to recognize and integrate different aspects of ourselves that are manifested everyday through multiple voices. Different parts that feel differently and who express themselves with unique energies. We learn how to use them in our personal and professional lives.

The technique of Sub personalities and Voice Dialogue was Developed by Drs. Hal y Sidra Stone. This constitutes an amazing tool for the development of characters through the work with archetypes.

Voice Dialogue is a technique that helps us understand how the different parts work and affect us in our lives in positive and negative ways.

We learn how to understand every aspect of our personality. We incorporate each area and abandon the stereotype ideas we have of them.

While we experiment with all the areas we come to discover those areas we have denied and we learn how to get them back for our personal and professional growth.

Voice Dialogue is used internationally as a coaching technique. Therapists, spiritual counselors, businessmen and anyone who is interested in understanding themselves also use it.

Work with Archetypes

**** Personal critic

**** Magical Child

**** Vulnerable child

**** The controller

**** Pusher

**** Perfectionist

**** Pleaser

**** Victim

**** Hero

**** Martyr

**** Warrior

**** Organizer

**** Seeker

**** Wise one

**** Aphrodite / Don Juan

**** Free Spirit

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