Saturday, October 30, 2010



***** 30 October 11-17hs / 31 October 12- 18hs
Actors Studio Teatro® Estudio de Carlos Gandolfo para la preparación del Actor - Diaz Velez 3842.- Capital Federal - Te: 4958-8268 -

A great workshop to GO DEEPER into understanding all the part of your personality. If you have not done Sub-Personality I, it will still be a great workshop for you.

The workshop will cover:

1. REVIEW of Sub-Personality I: The child, the warrior, the magician, the orphan the vulnerable child, the sage, the critic, etc.
2. DEEPER understanding of the structure of these Archetypes, a specific journey into the inner process with INDIVIDUAL attention to each person.
3. DISOWN SELVES such as: Selfish, Bitchy, Stingy, troublemaker, womanizer, snob, nun, slut, destroyer, satanic, etc. Finding the ones you hide from, the ones you are not proud of but are essential to understanding yourself.

4. For closing we will do exercises in BALANCING the two.

5. Most important, not to forget is the incredible range of CHARACTERS it gives the actor.

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